Corrie Mick Photography

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Yosemite National Park // Personal

Yosemite—goodness gracious it's beautiful. And we saw it on a foggy/snowy/rainy/cloudy/sunny day. It was basically pretending to be the midwest's estranged sister. (Ok, I try to be funny, but that might only be funny to me.) ;)

We went with our cousins during our week long trip to California that was bookended by two weddings; from which you'll be seeing photos soon, I promise! :) They are basically Yosemite pros after hiking Half Dome numerous times, and they acted as our tour guides the whole day. I think they worked their magic and forced the blanket of fog to reveal Half Dome for us eventually. ;)

We started with a long drive, and once arriving at the park were greeted by fog everywhere. It was amazing! I took some photos throughout the day, but I was nervous to keep my camera out too much when it was rainy or misty from the AMAZING waterfalls. Seriously! My favorite waterfall view had to be as we were going down the wet, rocky path of stairs next to Vernal Falls. The picturesque water, the widespread mist covering everything, the perfect rainbow...mmmm, if it was a cake it would be that chocolate lava cake that melts in your mouth, it was that good or better! I don't have a picture because I was protecting my camera from the mist, but if you just Google it you'll see how incredible it is.

I would definitely suggest going to Yosemite, as I'm sure you've heard before. Yes, all that everyone has said about it is true; it is an absolute must see! My heart is excited for the day when I can be as cool as my cousins and hike Half Dome. Really, I'd take just seeing it again. :)